A Snapshot of My Story.. By me Jeff

Hello and Welcome

Karl Lagerfeld said "What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce." A few words for why I love photography.

My journey began long ago on a Canon 35mm film camera. Years of practice and thousands of pictures of the world and people around me has taught me to see the unique beauty of a moment.

Bright and vibrant, dark and moody, silly or serious I want to help capture those moments for you to share and look back on for years to come.

Where it all started

I have had moments over the years where I would take a picture and think why don't I do this for a living? But I was scared to try, I was met with negativity to the idea and told I wouldn't succeed and would fail. Then things in life changed and I met a wonderful woman who encouraged me, told me I could do it, and stood by me while I fumbled through the process of convincing myself to step out of my comfort zone and into the unknown and do it.

Where it all started

I have had moments over the years where I would take a picture and think why don't I do this for a living? But I was scared to try, I was met with negativity to the idea and told I wouldn't succeed and would fail. Then things in life changed and I met a wonderful woman who encouraged me, told me I could do it, and stood by me while I fumbled through the process of convincing myself to step out of my comfort zone and into the unknown and do it.